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Aden Brook

Last edited on November 14, 2024

Aden Brook is one of the leading brokers of hay and agricultural products in America.

Our story with Aden Brook began with a hook and a handful of hay. Nick Fitzpatrick, the founder of Aden Brook Hay, had brought some samples of his work into our office. Before long our lead designer was chewing alfafa at his desk and we had created a new brand and website. Nick returned with another challenge: Build an application that would transform the entire way that his company worked.


The Aden Brook app transformed a traditional business model into an integrated, efficient system meant to manage the entire chain of Aden Brook processes. The app is custom designed to meet the company’s goals both now and in the future. It allows vendors across the United States to sell their product to Aden Brook, and eventually will connect customers directly to Aden Brook.

Perhaps the greatest challenge we faced with the Aden Brook app was a shortened project timeline. Lacking the tools they needed to reach the next level, we were tasked with delivering a usable app in weeks rather than months. We structured a lean project timeline built on goals that would be of highest value to Aden Brook, with the flexibility and foundation to extend the app’s capabilities later. The app became a growing organism, adaptable and evolving as the company grew.


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